Friday, December 23, 2011
Thursday, December 1, 2011
Monday, October 10, 2011
Paul campaign bussed in straw poll participants to conference
Obviously the kind of organization that Ron Paul's campaign pulled off at the Values Voters Conference was impressive and was not cheating. But it doesn't say a lot about where social conservatives are tilting these days.
Sunday, October 9, 2011
Sad Day
Matt Drudge, the anti-establishment creator of the Drudge Report, saw Palin's decision in a way that is similar to many die-hard Palin supporters. Emailing Mark Levin the night of the announcement, he called it a "sad day."
Peter Singleton, Steve Bannon on Talk Radio
Listen to internet radio with Roderic Deane on Blog Talk Radio
Friday, October 7, 2011
[Palin was] "very close, very close" to running
Great interview. Also talks about Bristol's comments that her mom had made a decision.
Says she has got to find a candidate that understands we need to open up our sources of energy.
Also thanks all her supporters again.
Scott Conroy report on CNN
I think the reason in the long term Palin will continue to be a potent force in US politics, contrary to Conroy's opinion, is that as she continues to keep on the message of corporate crony capitalism her resonance with independents will thrive. By winning over more independents more conservatives will muster the courage to again stand with her and her free men and free markets message.
UPDATE: IBD on 5 Reasons Palin Will Remain Relevant
UPDATE: IBD on 5 Reasons Palin Will Remain Relevant
Chuck Heath comments on Conservatives4Palin
From Palin Twibe:
Former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin's brother Chuck Heath yesterday addressed her supporters on Conservatives4Palin's Bob and Mark comment thread. The complete transcript of his two comments follow:
I appreciate Sarah's brother taking the time to connect with us her supporters and thank us for our efforts. He seems to underline the family consideration as being the driver of the decision not to run. Thanks to Ron DeVito for posting this over at PalinTwibe.
Former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin's brother Chuck Heath yesterday addressed her supporters on Conservatives4Palin's Bob and Mark comment thread. The complete transcript of his two comments follow:
I would like to personally thank all of you who have worked so hard and really thrown your hearts into supporting Sarah. I, like many of you, was really disappointed in her decision but I completely understand it. I don’t think there are many people out there who could begin to understand the scrutiny her family has been under. As for you who think that Sarah strung you along; as late as last week, right after I interviewed with Steve Bannon, I talked with Sarah and she was still pushing hard and contemplating a run. After a lot of prayers, and finally, through respect for her own family’s wishes, she chose to wait this one out.
Be assured that Sarah’s not done. She will continue to be a force in the political world and I’m sure she’ll be holding whoever’s elected in any important upcoming elections accountable for their actions. In my opinion, I believe she’ll arise again even stronger than before.
Please try to respect her decision, and once again, thank you so much for the support you’ve shown her.
Chuck Heath, Jr.
Sarah’s brother
Thanks again for all you’re encouraging comments. You people found a common bond in your support of Sarah and the ideals she stands for and I’m sure the last thing Sarah would want is for her decision to divide you. As I said earlier, try to respect it. She will still be there fighting the good fight. Stay united and let’s get someone in there who will truly work for the people and right this sinking ship. Stay involved! We’re going to be okay.
I appreciate Sarah's brother taking the time to connect with us her supporters and thank us for our efforts. He seems to underline the family consideration as being the driver of the decision not to run. Thanks to Ron DeVito for posting this over at PalinTwibe.
Thursday, October 6, 2011
The big "No" and Mrs Palin's Faithful Supporters
Along with a compilation of video from the last 18 hours, I wanted to share my feelings on the privilege of working alongside gay supporters of Sarah Palin. You guys/gals are rock stars. I am honored to be on your team. You have taken all the typical slams and crude hostility and cheap shots aimed at Mrs Palin and her supporters and also weathered the extra hostility from the Obama zombies in the gay community. You are true nonconformists and I'm your biggest fan. As an evangelical Christian I see some things from a different viewpoint, but I deeply appreciate your faithfulness and boldness in fighting for our cause. Huge thank you. Your love for America gets me choked up.
Great New SarahPac Video: Restoring America Together
SarahPac Statement and call in to Mark Levin
Greta Interview
Call in to Bob&Mark
Adam Brickly weighs in
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
FUTURENEWS Palin Wins Iowa Caucuses with 35%
January 2nd, 2012
DES MOINES, IOWA (Reuters) — Former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin defied expectations last night by winning the Iowa caucus, gaining the support of 35% of caucus-goers. Former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney finished a distant second with 20%, barely edging out the 19% earned by businessman Herman Cain. Texas Gov. Rick Perry received a stinging rebuke with 9%.
Palin, a tea-party darling treated as a pariah by Washington Republicans, ironically surfed a late wave of support from establishment conservatives, who were alarmed by the collapse of Perry and the surge by the more radical Cain.
“This was the best [expletive] deal we could strike with the tea party,” said a GOP operative who asked not to be named. “We offered them [expletive] Perry, he flopped, they gave us [expletive] crazy Herman, and this was the only [expletive] card we had left to play. I’m mad, but not as mad as I’d be if it had been the [expletive] pizza guy.”
h/t C4P Coulter
Rand Paul tells Hugh Hewitt: "We are not a democracy"
The "We are not a democracy, we are a constitutional republic" line is a long standing canard that is being repeated a lot lately. Here's my view.
The idea that the term "democracy" can only be applied to an ancient Athens-type direct democracy is arbitrary and preposterous. Why? Calling a constitutional democratic republic a democracy is a crisp and accurate description. Get over it. Who made these people arbiters of language?
Plus the male land owners of ancient Athens essentially acted as representatives of the rest of the community, so even the Athenian government wasn't as "strict" and "direct" as potentially could have been the case.
I agree with the argument of the Founder's that democracy has its dangers and am against the direct election of Senators. But that doesn't mean a representative democracy can't be called a democracy! Let's quit with the totally arbitrary nonsense.
Also, Hugh Hewitt explains his hard opposition to Representative Ron Paul's foreign policy positions and lets Senator Rand Paul respond to his multiple concerns. Rand Paul thinks there should be a debate on many of these issues and sees himself in the middle of the debates. Hewitt recommends reading The Triple Agent: The al-Qaeda Mole that Infiltrated the CIA by John Warrick and The Looming Tower: Al-Qaeda and the Road to 9-11 by Lawrence Wright.
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
New evidence Mrs Palin is running

Monday, October 3, 2011
Todd Palin A Modern Day Gary Cooper

Audio Podcast of Stephen Bannon interviewing Mr Palin:
Todd Palin A Modern Day Gary Cooper and a Man’s Man
Sunday, October 2, 2011
First Jewish President
Skokie native Joel Pollack jokes that Mrs Palin would be the first Jewish President in a new Chicago Magazine interview.
Saturday, October 1, 2011
Palin's Poker Analogy
After Mrs Palin remarked that she is, to update the idiom by making it less masculine, holding her cards close to her chest, there's been some discussion of her poker metaphor. Conservatives4Palin has some interesting research on what is known as slow playing that throws light on Palin's thinking regarding the timing of her announcement. Slow playing is a strategy that decieves by betting as if the poker player had a weak rather than a strong hand. It seems a perfect fit:
Isn't that what we've watched happen? Nicole at C4P continues:
The most important consideration of all in a slow-play, of course, is that you’re conserving resources while making you’re opponents burn through theirs. They underestimate your strength.
Isn't that what we've watched happen? Nicole at C4P continues:
Worth reading.
After Bachmann raised, it forced Pawlenty to fold, and encouraged Perry to join the betting. Perry’s continued bluff (that everyone has now caught on to) has sweetened the pot even more for Governor Palin. She hasn’t risked much so far while others are mortgaging the farm and betting aggressively.
Thursday, September 29, 2011
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Mr L says buck up. He's right. My bad.
Good. For the record though, I'm not concerned about when she announces October, November, December whatever. If is my thing. If is important to me.
Monday, September 26, 2011
Cain's Right about FEMA
Limited government types have been losing this argument since Coolidge. FEMA can be treated as a special case.
This is Randy Newman singing about the Mississippi Flood of 1927:
This is Randy Newman singing about the Mississippi Flood of 1927:
Friday, September 23, 2011
Bristol confronts heckler-hater face to face
I was almost afraid to watch this video, but it's definitely a profile in courage/spine/chutzpa! She does a great job of of exposing the hater's shallow air-headedness.
Monday, September 19, 2011
Tucker Carlson is a creepy political entrpreneur
Greta Van Susteren has several blog posts of criticism aimed at her friend Tucker Carlson. She rightly is condemning Carlson's promoting via the Daily Caller of Mike Tyson's debauched ramblings on Palin and "white women" that tangentially regard the pathetic Joe McGinniss Book.
Saturday, September 17, 2011
Monday, September 12, 2011
Sunday, September 11, 2011
Thursday, September 8, 2011
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
Saturday, September 3, 2011
Mrs Palin's New Best Friend-> An O4P Volunteer
Image is from the Daily Mail's coverage on Palin's speech at the Indianola Rally.
C4P Roundup of Indianola coverage
Conservatives for Palin gives a great roundup of news coverage of the rain soaked but ready for action Indianola rally.
Friday, September 2, 2011
Monday, August 22, 2011
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Monday, August 15, 2011
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Sunday, August 7, 2011
Saturday, August 6, 2011
Friday, August 5, 2011
Thursday, August 4, 2011
Saturday, July 30, 2011
Rothschild on Romney's "Electability"
Lynn Rothschild, a former Hillary supporter who backed Palin's ticket in 2008 despite being a Democrat, is continuing to fight Mr. Obama by supporting Jon Huntsman. I am glad she sees right through the idea that Mitt Romney is electable. Earlier this month she said:
I actually think the fact that Romney's flip-flopping has crystallized far more than it had in 2008 is a much bigger problem for his campaign than ObomneyCare.
“I feel sorry for Mitt Romney,” she said. “I think Mitt Romney has the Al Gore problem, which is that he’s perfect on paper but he does not connect with people and I don’t think there’s anything he can do.”
“And I think his flip-flopping is not a good thing,” she added. “He’s made too many Faustian bargains and we need somebody who stands up for what they believe. I think Obama would roll him…I don’t think he can beat Obama.”
I actually think the fact that Romney's flip-flopping has crystallized far more than it had in 2008 is a much bigger problem for his campaign than ObomneyCare.
Thursday, July 28, 2011
Monday, July 25, 2011
"Undefeated" mini-review
Loved Stephen Bannon's Undefeated. Loved the way the story was told with chapters quietly announced by snow falling through what apparently was the dark Alaskan winter. Beautiful. A lot of quietly expressive use of sound and slow-motion home-movie imagery. Will have to watch it again when it opens in Chicago commercially. The wonder of Alaska was developed verbally and in mysterious visual ways. Surprisingly moving for me.
Also the conflict between Mrs. Palin and Murkowski was unexpectedly intimate. Murkowski's watery eyes and pasty complexion gave a close-up feel to his sensibility and physical presence. I was kept on the edge of my seat in all the footage of election night. Loved the touch about her "refusal to embrace the establishment".
Also sometimes when Mrs Palin is on FNC she gives such interesting answers that they get me thinking long after. But just as often I find myself distracted by her sense of freedom and I don't know maybe subtle hints regarding her frustrations and hopes going forward. I guess for me she is fascinating to watch, charisma-wise, so much so that I sometimes find it difficult to really listen to her careful answers. For that reason, the use of the Going Rogue audio book really nailed it for me. It allowed me to hear her and to follow the narrative. Great movie! Better than I expected and I was expecting a lot!
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