Thursday, October 6, 2011
The big "No" and Mrs Palin's Faithful Supporters
Along with a compilation of video from the last 18 hours, I wanted to share my feelings on the privilege of working alongside gay supporters of Sarah Palin. You guys/gals are rock stars. I am honored to be on your team. You have taken all the typical slams and crude hostility and cheap shots aimed at Mrs Palin and her supporters and also weathered the extra hostility from the Obama zombies in the gay community. You are true nonconformists and I'm your biggest fan. As an evangelical Christian I see some things from a different viewpoint, but I deeply appreciate your faithfulness and boldness in fighting for our cause. Huge thank you. Your love for America gets me choked up.
Great New SarahPac Video: Restoring America Together
SarahPac Statement and call in to Mark Levin
Greta Interview
Call in to Bob&Mark
Adam Brickly weighs in